Search, query, calculate, and sum instructions for Redis
OnceDB by gh_newghost on 1580296096960


Search in string type keys

search pattern operator value

Prepare testing data.

set test1 'this is testing'
> OK
set test2 'this is article'
> OK
set test3 kris
> OK
set test4 10
> OK
set test5 100
> OK

= : Exact match

Find exact matches and output keys and values

search test* = kris
1) test3
2) kris

~ : Partial match

Search for partial matches

search test* ~ is
1) test2
2) this is article
3) test1
4) this is testing
5) test3
6) kris

<、>、<=、>= : Compare search

Find eligible numbers

search test* > 20
1) test5
2) 100


hsearch pattern field operator value ...

Search in the HASH type, all conditions must be met at the same time.

Prepare test data

hmset user:001 name kris email gender male age 16
> OK
hmset user:002 name sunny age 24
> OK

Search for keys and values with age greater than 18, and print the name field

hsearch user:* age > 18 name = *
1) user:002
2) 24
3) sunny

horsearch pattern field operator value ...

Search for the hash value, except for "field = *", which satisfies one condition.

horsearch user:* age > 18 gender = male name = *
1) user:002
2) 24
4) sunny
5) user:001
6) 16
7) male
8) kris

hsearchids pattern [num of ids] id1 id2 ... field operator value ...

Search in specified ID

hsearchids user: 2 001 002 age > 18 name = *
1) user:002
2) 24
3) sunny

hselect [num of fields] field1 field2 ... key1 key2 ...

Print out the value of the specified field for the specified key.

hselect 3 name email age user:001 user:002
1) user:001
2) kris
4) 16
5) user:002
6) sunny
8) 24

hmgetall key1 key2 ...

Print out all fields and values of the specified key, each key separated by two consecutive empty data

hmgetall user:001 user:002
1) user:001
2) name
3) kris
4) email
6) gender
7) male
8) age
9) 16
12) user:002
13) name
14) sunny
15) age
16) 24

hsetzsetkeys hashpattern hashid field keys zsetpattern score

** Deprecated **

Set keywords for hash keys and create indexes

hsetzsetkeys user: 001 skills java,php skill: 10001
1) 2

Equal to

zadd skill:java 10001 001
zadd skill:php  10001 001
hset user:001 skills java,php

hincrby key field increment [start]

Increase the value of the specified field in the hash set specified by key. Start is the default value. If the original value exists, start has no effect:

hincrby article:00test show 1
> 1
hincrby article:00test show 1 1000
> 2
hincrby article:00test visit 1 1000
> 1001


lxrange key from to

Find range values from an ordered list

lpush records 10 11 20 34 54 84 130 210
> 8

lxrange records 12 60
1) 54
2) 34
3) 20

lxsearch key value

Find a value from an ordered list

lxsearch records 54
> 3

lxinsert key value

Create a small to large sequence and return new location information

lxinsert order 9
> 0
lxinsert order 5
> 0
lxinsert order 13
> 2
lxinsert order 7
> 1

lxrange order 0 10000
1) 5
2) 7
3) 9
4) 13

lxinsertdesc key value

Insert numbers from big to small sequence and return new position information

lxinsertdesc numbers 9
> 0
lxinsertdesc numbers 5
> 1
lxinsertdesc numbers 13
> 0
lxinsertdesc numbers 7
> 2

lxrange numbers 0 10000
1) 13
2) 9
3) 7
4) 5

Sorted Set

zexists key member1 member2 ...

Get the number of keys in the sorts set

zexists tags zbc efg hi
> 0

zadd tags 1000 zbc 2000 efg 3000 hi
> 3

zexists tags zbc efg hi
> 3

zrangehmget key from to schema field1 ...

Get the corresponding field value of the corresponding HASH key in zset.

Prepare test data

upsert article id @=1000 002 name = dota age = 30 num = 28
upsert article id @=2000 003 name = like age = 40 num = 32
upsert article id @=3000 004 name = good age = 50 num = 34

*article stores article ID

zrange *article 0 -1 WITHSCORES
1) 002
2) 1000
3) 003
4) 2000
5) 004
6) 3000

Take out all the keys in article, and output all the keys and values of article:

article中的key全部取出,并输出所有 article: 的键和值

zrangehmget *article 0 10 article:
1) 002              [member in zset]
2) 1000             [score in zset]
3) id               [field]
4) 002              [value]
5) name
6) dota
7) age
8) 30
9) num
10) 28
13) 003
14) 2000
15) id
16) 003
17) name
18) like
19) age
20) 40
21) num
22) 32
25) 004
26) 3000
27) id
28) 004
29) name
30) good
31) age
32) 50
33) num
34) 34

Output the name and age field values of article:*

zrangehmget *article 1 2 article: name age
1) 003
2) 2000
3) like
4) 40
7) 004
8) 3000
9) good
10) 50

zrevrangehmget key from to schema field1 ...

Print in reverse order, corresponding hash in zset

zrevrangehmget *article 1 2 article: name age
1) 003
2) 2000
3) like
4) 40
7) 002
8) 1000
9) dota
10) 30

zrangehmgetbyscore key from to schema field1 ...

Output the corresponding HASH from the specified zset field by weight

zrangehmgetbyscore *article 1500 2200 article:
1) 003      [number in zset]
2) 2000     [score]
3) id       [field]
4) 003      [value]
5) name
6) like
7) age
8) 40
9) num
10) 32

Output specified fields:

zrangehmgetbyscore *article 1500 2200 article: name
1) 003
2) 2000
3) like

zrevrangehmgetbyscore key from to schema field1 ...

Reverse order output

zrevrangehmgetbyscore *article 2200 1500 article: name
1) 003
2) 2000
3) like

zrangehmsum key from to schema field1 ...

Obtain the corresponding hash key from the ordered list and find the sum of the field values

zrangehmsum *article 0 10 article: age num
1) 3        [the number of elements in zset]
2) 3        [the number of elements exist in article:*]
3) 3        [count of age]
4) 120      [sums of age]
5) 3
6) 94

zrevrangehmsum key from to schema field1 ...

In reverse order of the ordered list, find the sum of the corresponding HASH key values

zrevrangehmsum *article 0 1 article: age num
1) 2
2) 2
3) 2
4) 90
5) 2
6) 66

zrangehmsumbyscore key score1 score2 schema field1 ...

Get the key from the range according to the score, find the corresponding hash, and find the sum of the field values

zrangehmsumbyscore *article 1500 2200 article: age num
1) 1      [the number of elements in zset]
2) 1      [the umber of elements exists in article:*]
3) 1      [count of age]
4) 40     [sums of age]
5) 1
6) 32

zrevrangehmsumbyscore key score1 score2 schema field1 ...

Sum in reverse order

zrevrangehmsumbyscore *article 2200 1500 article: age num
1) 1
2) 1
3) 1
4) 40
5) 1
6) 32

zhsearch key from to schema field operator value ...

Search for the corresponding hash from zset

upsert blog id @ 001 title = "God like" poster = dota       visit = 10
upsert blog id @ 002 title = "First blood" poster = dota    visit = 200
upsert blog id @ 003 title = "test title" poster = like     visit = 40

zhsearch *blog 0 100 blog: visit > 28 poster = *
1) -1
2) blog:002
3) 200
4) dota
5) blog:003
6) 40
7) like

zrevhsearch key from to schema field operator value ...

Reverse search

zrevhsearch *blog 0 100 blog: visit > 28 poster = *
1) -1
2) blog:003
3) 40
4) like
5) blog:002
6) 200
7) dota

zhorsearch zsetkey from to schema field operator value ...

Or conditional search

zhorsearch *blog 0 100 blog: visit > 40 poster = like
1) -1
2) blog:002
3) 200
4) dota
5) blog:003
6) 40
7) like

zrevhorsearch zsetkey from to schema field operator value ...

Reverse order or conditional search

zrevhorsearch *blog 0 100 blog: visit > 40 poster = like
1) -1
2) blog:003
3) 40
4) like
5) blog:002
6) 200
7) dota


shmget key schema field1 field2 ...

Output HASH objects by SET member

hset blog:001 name dota
> 1
hset blog:002 name kris
> 1
sadd blogs 001 002
> 2

shmget blogs blog: name
1) 002
2) kris
5) 001
6) dota

shmset key schema field value ...

** Deprecated **

Extract all members from the set, set the value of the corresponding hash member, and return the number of affected hash values

shmset blogs blog: home China tel 021-7000000
> 2


hmgetall blog:001 blog:002
1) blog:001
2) name
3) dota
4) home
5) China
6) tel
7) 021-7000000
10) blog:002
11) name
12) kris
13) home
14) China
15) tel
16) 021-7000000

shmsum setkey schema field ...

Find the sum of the specified fields in the corresponding hash member of SET

hmset job:001 salary 1000 worktime 6
> ok
hmset job:002 salary 2000 worktime 10
> ok
sadd jobs 001 002 
> 2

shmsum jobs job: salary worktime
1) 2        [the number of elements in zset]
2) 2        [the number of elements exist in article:*]
3) 2        [counts]
4) 3000     [sums]
5) 2        ...
6) 16       ...